Mittwoch, 6. Juni 2007

The End - beautiful friend

This is the Last day in Sweden. I have almost nothing left to doand that's good, cos the last few days have been more busy than ever.

Sunday, instead of sorting out my stuff we had a long ficka with Japanese and French guys, we rank afterwards and with Anguelique I also juggled a bit and tried som Tekwondo Moves and later we had a beautiful night talking and drinking till late after sunrise - which wasnt that difficult since the sun rose around 3:30. I dicovered that other people also know the principals and the word of "mental masturbation" and this girl proved to be an excellent partner for such games, I am really looking forward to see her again in september!
I didnt get much sleep and so had to work still tired all day. The whole farewell stuff still goes on and on but still I spend most of my monday trowing away stuff and packing the rest inboxes to send them.

Tuesday then was the cleaning day and I spend around seven nice hours cleaning out my whole appartment.
After the inspection I moved the four boxes I had to the post office - with some help from Kostas and Micke, where I got quite in a rage when they didnt take a package cos it was more than 20kg and the computer couldt register it.So they told me to move it downtown to a "big" office. After I calmed down a little we decidet to open it and take some stuff out - I knew it counldnt be much more than 22kg - and put it back on the scale. Then it was 14kg!!! back in with the stuff and we had 15 and it was taken in. so whatever went wrong it was ok then.

I said goodbye to the remaing people in my beloved corridor (Carro & Micke) under promisses of my return (which I do intend to keep). And went with Kostas e to to his appartement where I will find shelter for the last two nights. Togeter with the second Lithuanian we played a nice gam of Streetbasketball against some swedes and won even though I sucked, but Alex is realy good and with 1,95 quite fit for that game. Later I said goodbye to Tim, another nice Swede and found even more understanding here. In fact I found a good hand full of persons witch I feel like I can really talk to and probably I will miss them badly in one or two months but for now I wast my last day away, eat fruitsalad and drink some beer and tomorrow everthings gonne be different once more.

Can you picture what will be
So limitless and free

down with systemet?

The European Court ruled that the Swedish system of monopolized alkohol distribution is against free transfer of goods and has to end.

This fact is somewhat sad, since the swedish system might seem anoying but has some kind charmeas well as indeed a sowhat protective funktion. The effects might be different from the offical goals but I experence some which I think are quite positive:

The distribution of alcohol to minors cannot be avoided that way, but still the few locations to accuire alcohol as well as the strict control of identifications makes it at least more difficult.
Especially positive from a personal point ofview a percive the effect on people like me, that you cannot just get drunk whenever you just feel like it, but you have to plan somehow, which consideralby lowers the overal intake.

This on the other hand might be the reason why many swedes not just "have a drink" but "get drunk", should they drink at all. I personally expect that should strong alcohol be available at every grovery store the people will lern how to party less hard, but after a devastating hangover from the first month ;)

Anyway this is still in thew future and the govrenment here will try to protect their current policy:

Samstag, 2. Juni 2007


at this early hour the outside is almost bright.
the korridor and my mood are pretty dark cause some strange fight in a relationship covers this korridor.
what can we do? we ask ourselfs and the only reasonable answer is Jägermeister.
So early and already to late, but luckily I don't care enough, cause I got my kisses for this nice night =)

Freitag, 1. Juni 2007

the end

finally all classes are finished.

Wednesday night I sat from seven till four to create a nice final paper for my recent course and I guess I did well.
If anyone wish to read it, or just like to find further proof that I'm a racist: Values-in-schools-in-a-modern-democratic-society (pdf, 63 KB)

Around half past two the birds started singing, and dawn came at three, and then some three hours sleep followed by six hours at school punishing pupils with dialogs in German.
And I tell you the sleep now was so refreshing!

Now its time to drink away the weekend and pack my stuff to finish of this chapter!

PS: in one week I will not wake up alone, yippey!

Dienstag, 29. Mai 2007

i WAS so pissed

I hate Java. Just the feeling that this shit sucks and is totally useless as far as I see. Anyway i am writing on this nice article below and the f****** Java (on map24) dies and drags my whole x-session with it into the abyss! You all know how mad you can get if you loose unsaved text.
But luckily I still got the good old bash to fix, say: to "kill -KILL ", that crap. AND even more the sacred Fox saved the unexpectedly closed session.

All hail the Fox and the Penguin!

getting close but still far from closure

I am... lazy. exhausted. tormented - literally.
A hell of a long weekend, with games and party.
It's the last two weeks, so what else to expect?
The long game of Ultimate-Frisbee totally killed me and still my whole body is aching. Honestly its not a good idea never to move you ass, except two times a year - and then full speed of course ;) But even before...on Friday I had a long bike trip with a class of thirteen yo pupils to inspect the local water supply. Since they seem to take 90% of their drinking water out of the Svartån - the local river "the black river" which is actually brown of mud - the efforts to clean this stuff are huge. At least if you never thought of leading river water into basins full of sand to get rid of the dirt, just because you have no mountains :P

As this implies I am still busy with watching teaching in local schools and even if it is mostly boring - believe it or not but we were in fact never given any goals, except to be there - I have some interesting talks with the teachers. Today I was quite disenchanted as my teacher told me that after having worked for six years now, he is finally studying to become a teacher - he had only a bac in maths- and thinks that teacher training and theory of education does not help him at all!
That most of the stuff we have to learn but no context to apply and no sandbox to try, does not help much in becoming at teacher is mutual agreement; indeed within many students from many countries. But so far I believed that after some time of actual teaching a positive effect through applicability and a practical background to theoretical teachings could be achieved. It is only one person so far and it might prove difficult to find more 'unlicensed' teachers, but is it possible that the theory of education is indeed so insignificant? depressing if so...

The preparations for departure are also advancing. At least they would if I could do more than order a transcript of records. I will have to leave my flat two nights before I actually leave, since there will be an inspection and the 6th of June is national holiday and I'm gonna leave early the 7th. But since there should be nothing left to do then I don't care much and just buy myself with vodka into the flat of one of my colleagues ;D

So much for now. see you soon!

Sonntag, 20. Mai 2007

Spring Cleaning

What lies ahead now, except for all the studying, is spring-cleaning. That means we will spend the rest of the afternoon scrubbing the whole corridor and ever last corner, including the ones behind the oven (!), so the guy from the housing company will be satisfied with his inspection the next days. I hate cleaning. Everything gets dirty again anyway, so why the fuck bother, as long as you can still breath the air in here?


finally I got annoyed enough by WinXP, to give linux another shot (again).
On Friday I installed Feisty Fawn (Ubuntu 7.04) on my system and the installation alone was a marvelous experience compared to the crappy process on XP "We now have a better media-player...." LOL

Anyway, it takes some time to get what you want here, for example, because of the open software and format policy it was a pain in the ass to get Amarok play my mp3. Even if the build-in information and Help seems to be pretty weak, the open software usually has really good documentation and I will NEVER have t enter the god damned Windows-knowledge-database which I despise so much.

Of course I miss adobe-CS2 and µ-Torrent and I am not sure, if there are proper replacements out there, but we shall see. Also I am now stuck with a ancient version of skype and my microphone works even worse than on Windows before (that is indeed possible).

Sonntag, 13. Mai 2007

national loyalities

not that I like the song contest or care who wins, but a lot of students around here watch that stuff and cheer for sweden. Some nice ladies draged me to watch and so I saw some parts, but most of the music sucked, or was not even music at all. But the votes where interesting, clearly, from what I saw, Serbia deserved to win, BUT:

Who votes for whom?
The most points from Croatia went to Serbia, Bosnia and Mazedonia...
Sweden only got high points from Finnland, Norway and Denmark...
Germany as well as Austria voted highest for Turkey...
Russia voted for Albania, the Ukrain and Belarus...
Cyprus gave max points to Greek...
and so on...

I wonder if there is somthing similar to the BigMac-index - which, as I just read today can now be replaced with the iPod-index - to find here. Some gerneral values of bonding between these Nations and people. Of course the kind of music people like could be only similar in different areas, but I would recomend to discard the first and last three in each countries list to get closer to a neutral result.

Mittwoch, 9. Mai 2007


Gestern habe ich einen Flug für den 7.6. gebucht.
Um 17:00 bin ich damit in Wien und das heißt auch dass ich dann den Abend noch genießen kann.

Und mal ernsthaft:
Scheiß auf Ryanair! Mit all der Plackerei, unmöglichsten Flugzeiten, keinerlei Anschlüssen, schäbigsten Flüghäfen etc... zahlt sich das echt nicht aus!

Montag, 7. Mai 2007

20 Stunden Fahrt

Das war Wahnsinn: Nicht das der Urlaub selbst nicht schon schlauchend genug wäre, aber diese Fahrt war der Höhepunkt der Entbehrungen. Nach nur fünf stunden Schlaf - eine person fühlte sich nach excesiven psychoativagebrauch etwas verwirrt und verängstigt - bin ich dann fünf stunden durch die niederlande und deutschland gecruised. Andere übernahmen die bürde später und wir fühen von raststation zu raststation, autobahn und autobahn und fähre zu fähre bis wir es diesen morgen endlich nach Örebro schafften. Das war also ne fahrt von 9 a.m. bis 5 a.m.

Als passende Story dazu erzälte einer der Franzosen von einem spanier der fast am stück von südspanien nach paris fahren wohlte und dann kurz vor dem Ziel eine Familie umgemäht hat, aber aüßer tausenden Käfern und Insekten hatte wir keine Verlust zu vermelden.

Stay tuned for more details about the wonderfull Copenhagen-Amsterdam trip!

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